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Vitosha 8

Sofia, Bulgaria

Boutique building, located in the immediate vicinity of "Dr. G. M. Dimitrov" Blvd., "Simeonovsko Shosse" Blvd. and Loven Park.

The construction of the building is monolithic, with reinforced concrete bearing elements and slabs. The facade and partition walls are brick - WIENERBERGER POROTHERM 25 N+F, and the aluminum joinery - with low-emission glazing. The facades are made of HPL panels and structural plaster.

The building offers a high degree of thermal insulation on all external walls, the ceilings of the garages below the living quarters and the roof terraces above the apartments. Waterproofing of the underground level, vapor-, hydro- and thermal insulation of the roofs. Sound insulation of floors and walls to neighboring apartments. The building also offers exceptional comfort and very high energy efficiency.

Sofia, Bulgaria
1 500 m²
ACME Property Development